Praznični pozdrav! Holiday greetings!
Na predbožični večer sem spekla torto. Prejšnjič sem
omenila, da bom torto okrasila z božičnimi listi, vendar pa vsak, ki ve kako
božični list izgleda, lahko opazi, da jih na torti ni. Namesto božičnega lista
so na torti navadni listi. In zakaj je do tega prišlo?! Preprosto zato, ker sem
imela doma na razpolago izsekovalec navadnih listov, v vsej tej božični mrzlici
pa izsekovalcev božičnega lista ni bilo nikjer več mogoče kupiti. Vem, da bi
jih lahko naredila ročno, vendar pa sem želela, da so si listi med seboj podobni,
prav tako pa mi ročna izdelava ni šla najbolje od rok. Vendar pa mislim, da
torta kljub temu izgleda fantastično.
So I
made a Christmas cake two days ago. I said I would be making Christmas leafs,
but if you know how Christmas leaf looks like, you will soon realize that the
cake on this picture does not have any Christmas leafs on it. How come?! Well, it
is hard to make 38 individual leafs by hand, especially if you want to make
them beautiful and more or less the same. So I used leaf cutter that I had at
home. But still I think it looks pretty awesome the way it is.
Tokrat sem uporabljala modelirno čokolado oziroma
čokoladno glino. Tako kot vedno, sem tudi to maso naredila sama in moram
priznati, da sem se zaljubila. Modelirna čokolada je odličnega okusa (ker ima
okus po čokoladi) – mnogo boljšega okusa od tično mase in zelo priročna za
izdelovanje okraskov.
I used modeling chocolate or modeling clay (as some call it), for this
decorations. I made it myself, for the first time and I must say that I fall in
love with it. I mean I am basically a chocoholic and what is more fun than a
chocolate you can play with. And most of all it tastes great – it is way better
than fondant, because it tastes like chocolate.
Pri torti pa sem želela tudi tisti wau efekt. Vem, da že sama
okrasitev torte izgleda fantastično, vendar pa se mi zdi, da ljudje prehitro
pozabijo kako je torta izgledala, ko predse dobijo kos torte. Zato sem se
odločila, da preizkusim na novo pridobljen trik in izdelam torto v obliki šahovnice,
tako kot lahko vidite na sliki.
In čeprav je izdelava take torte precej preprosta, pri
ljudeh izzove občudovanje in navdušenje.
I also
went for a wow effect with this cake. Ok, it is looking beautiful but, when you
start cutting the pieces for everyone to taste it, they soon forgot how it
looked like. So a assembled a cake sponge to look like a chessboard, as you can
see it in the picture.
And as easy as it is to make it, people are
really impressed with the results. And most of them can’t even imagine how you
made it.
Skrivnost izdelave take torte pa je: spečemo dve (ali več) plasti biskvita različnih barv. In ko se biskvit ohladi iz njega izrežemo različno velike kolobarje. Na koncu pa je potrebno le še zamenjati kolobarje, tako, da se barve menjajo (kot je razvidno iz slike).
So the secret is: You bake two (or more) different color sponges. And when they are cooled enough, you can start cutting different sizes circles out of it. And then the only thing left to do is assemble the sponge, so that you have different color rings (like you can see in the picture).
Se opravičujem za slabo ločljivost slik. I apologize for bad picture resolution.