petek, 23. november 2012

Rojstnodnevna torta / Birthday cake

Kot sem obljubila, objavljam slike mojega zadnjega projekta – peke in okraševanja torte za fantov rojstni dan. Naredila sem pomarančno torto z glazuro iz temne čokolade. Torta je nekoliko bolj kiselkastega okusa, ker sem uporabila sveže iztisnjen sok pomaranč. Tako, da je okus torte nekoliko kislo-grenko-sladek. Vendar sem popolnoma prevzeta nad okusom. Sprva sem bila nekoliko zaskrbljena, kako bo kombinacija kislo-sladke kreme delovala, vendar sem bila na koncu pozitivno presenečena. Kar pa mi je najbolj všeč je to, da ima res okus po tistih pravih pomarančah. Prav tako sem v biskvit dodala malo cimeta, bolj za aromo. Tokrat sem res nekoliko eksperimentirala pri izdelavi torte. Česar pa sem se rahlo bala je bila uporaba želatine. Ker je še nikoli prej nisem uporabila, sem bila nekoliko skeptična, ali bo zaradi dodanega pomarančnega soka, ki je mojo kremo spremenil v tekočino, vse to sploh postalo kompaktno. In seveda je delovalo.
Za glazuro sem zgolj stopila temno čokolado in dodala nekaj masla, da se na torti ne strdi popolnoma in se zato lažje reže. Glazure nisem naredila tako tekoče kot bi jo morala, zgolj iz razloga, da ne bi mazala rešetke. Tako je bilo preprosteje narediti nekoliko bolj gosto, da sem lahko torto zgolj namazala. :) Lahko bi se reklo, da sem naredila "leno" glazuro.
In seveda, za okrasitev torte, sem izdelala pentljo iz bele čokolade. Zdi se mi, da pentlja res doda neko eleganco torti. Najboljše pri vsem tem pa je, da je narejena iz tankega sloja čokolade, kar pomeni, da jo bo enostavno pojesti. In pravzaprav je dokaj enostavna za izdelavo. Gre za nekoliko packanja in nekaj mirnih živcev, vendar po prvih nekaj zankah ti postane jasna vsa tehnika in od tam naprej gre zlahka.

 Takole je izgledala moja krema v torti :) njami njami
This is how my filling looked inside a cake :)

 Moja "lena" glazura :)
My "lazy" glaze :)

 Končni izdelek in prečudovita pentlja iz bele čokolade.
Final work and my beautiful white chocolate ribbon.

This is the result of my recent work, for my boyfriend’s birthday. I made orange cake (a bit sour because I used real squeezed orange juice) with some dark-chocolate glaze. So it’s kind of sour-bitter-sweet cake. But I actually like a combination. As I was making the filling I wasn’t sure if this is what I was hoping for and if it’s going to taste good, but it turned out great. I also used a bit of cinnamon in the cake, because I thought I would give a nice flavor.  So this time I really experimented a little. So what I was actually so afraid of was using gelatin. Because I used orange juice the filling was really fluid, so I needed to add gelatin. And I was really skeptical if this would work, because I never used it before. But of course it worked. :)
For the glaze I just melted some chocolate and butter, so it doesn’t harden completely on the cake and it is easier to cut it. I didn’t make quite the right chocolate glaze, since mine was a bit thick. But I made it that way so I wouldn’t have to use grid. I named it "lazy" glaze :)
And finally for the decoration, I made beautiful white chocolate ribbon. And it really looks beautiful and simple. And the best part is that it is made out of very thin coat of chocolate so it is easy to eat. And it’s fairly easy to make. A bit messy work too. And till you don’t get used of technique it may cost you a few nerves. But after a first few loops everything works smooth. 

2 komentarja:

  1. Mmm looks really delicious :) I noticed you made an orange filling, was the taste similar to the Jaffa cakes or was it something compeletely different?
    Love the ribbon :)!*

    1. It is delicious :) Yes, the filling is orange, but it doesn’t taste like Jaffa cakes. Mine really tastes like orange because it doesn’t have any artificial oranges but real ones. That is why the filling is kind of sweet and sour (but not too much). So to answer your question – no it is a different taste :)
      I am glad you like the ribbon. I am kind of proud of this one (not that I am any less proud of my past work), because it is completely eatable and it is made out of chocolate.
      Thank you for being such a great follower of my blog *
