sreda, 19. december 2012

Christmas projet / Božični projekt

So, who thinks it's time for some Christmas cake this weekend?! I know I do! I am going to make some very small cake probably, because it is only going to be 5 people (my dad, brother, his girlfriend and my boyfriend). And because it’s Christmas season (although there is no snow this year as well) I thought way not make some basic Christmas decorations like christmas leaves. And I know my family and I are not that fond of fondant I finally decided I’ll try modeling chocolate. I heard it’s easy to use and most importantly better taste. 
Let’s see how it works out!

Božič že trka na vrata in z njim priložnost za ponovno peko torte. Tokrat bom naredila zelo majhno tortico, saj bo treba posladkati le 5 ljudi (mojega očeta, brata, njegovo punco in mojega fanta). Seveda, sem razmišljala o praznični okrasitvi in tako prišla na idejo božičnega lista. No in ker moja družina, skupaj z mano, ni velika ljubiteljica tično mase, sem se končno odločila da preizkusim modelirno čokolado. Bila naj bi odličnega okusa in enostavna za uporabo.

Bomo videli kako se bo izteklo!

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