sobota, 29. september 2012

Poker torta / Poker cake

A few weeks ago I made poker cake for my brothers’ birthday. It was a simple pineapple cake, with vanilla-butter cream frosting (that I made for the first time). And I covered it with some homemade marshmallow fondant in green color (That was also my first attempt at covering a whole cake with fondant). For decorations on top of the cake I made poker chips and a set of Aces. 

Nekaj tednov nazaj sem za bratov rojstni dan naredila poker torto. Naredila sem preprosto ananasovo torto; po vrhu sem jo namazala z masleno vanilijevo kremo (ki sem jo naredila prvič). Nato sem jo oblekla z marshmallow tično maso zelene barve. to je bil moj prvi poiskus, da sem celotno torto odela v tično. Za okraske na vrhu torte pa sem naredila preproste poker žetončke in set asov.

Chocolate cake with marzipan / Čokoladna torta z marcipanom

This is kind of a Mozart cake, which means it’s a chocolate cake with marzipan. It is my version of this cake and it’s based on the ingredients I had at home. It is also my first time that I made chocolate frosting and it came out great.  Tray on the picture is still dirty from the excess of frosting (because I didn’t use grid underneath.)

Na sliki je prirejena Mozart torta, kar pomeni, da gre v osnovi za čokoladno torto, ki vsebuje marcipan. Gre za mojo priredbo torte, ki je nastala na osnovi sestavin, ki sem jih imela doma. Prav tako pa je to tudi moj prvi poiskus čokoladne glazure, ki je izpadla super, kljub vsem strahovom in dvomom, ki sem jih čutila v sebi. Na sliki je pladenj pod torto še vedno umazan od odvečne glazure, ki je stekla s torte (to pa zato, ker nisem uporabila rešetke ko sem oblivala torto).