nedelja, 5. maj 2013

Chocolate chip cookies / Piškoti s čokoladnimi koščki

Eden od mojih novih pekovskih podvigov je bilo pečenje piškotov s čokoladnimi koščki (cookies). Prebrala sem kar nekaj receptov in se na koncu le odločila za enega, ki pa sem ga po prvem poskusu nekoliko priredila, tako da se sedaj ti piškoti odlični! Vsekakor vam izdam tudi recept!

Ti piškoti so bili prvič ustvarjeni v Ameriki (leta 1930), njihova stvaritev pa je bila pravzaprav pomota, ki se je kasneje izkazala za eno najboljših pomot. :) Za ta odličen sladek prigrizek se lahko zahvalimo Ruth Graves Wakefield in njeni premahjni zalogi "slaščičarske" čokolade. Namreč, ko ji je med peko čokoladnih piškotov le te zmanjkalo, se je domislila, da bi čokolado nadomestila s polomljenimi deli ene od navadnih čokolad v upanju, da se bodo koščki čokolade med peko stopili. Vendar se niso in tako je nastal ta odličen piškot, ki je danes najbolj priljubljena oziroma najbolj znana slaščica v ameriških domovih.

Tipične sestavine tega piškota so maslo, kombinacija  rjavega in belega sladkorja, moka in koščki čokolade. V nekaterih različicah so tudi razni oreščki ali rozine. Moj recept pa je nekoliko drugačen, saj je zmanjšana količina sladkorja (in še ta je samo rjavi), vendar pa so piškoti še vedno dovolj sladki, verjemite mi.

Recept: Masleni piškoti s čokoladnimi koščki (Chocolate chip cookies)

230g masla (sobne temperature)
160g rjavega sladkorja
2 jajci
1 žlica vanilijevega ekstrakta
300g pirine moke (lahko tudi navadne)
1 žlička pecilnega praška
1/2 žličke soli
300g čokolade (sesekljane na koščke)

Segrej pečico na 190°C.
Z mešalnikom zmiksaj maslo, do kremastega, dodaj sladkor in miksaj dokler zmes ne postane puhasta (cca 2 minuti). Postopoma dodaj jajci in se prepričaj da sta dobro vmešani v zmes. Dodaj vanilijin ekstrakt.
V drugi skledi zmešaj moko, pecilni prašek in sol. Dodaj k jajčno-masleni zmesi in malo zmiskaj da je vse dobro premešano. Dodaj čokoladne koščke in spet dobro premešaj.
Če je masa preveč mehka jo lahko postavimo v hladilnik (za 30 minut - 2 ur).
Pekač obloži s peki papirjem in nanj naloži maso za piškote. Lahko si pomagate z žlico za sladoled, ali pa z navadno žlico. Paziti je potrebno da je med vsakim piškotom dovolj prostora, saj se zelo razlezejo.
Peci na 190°C 10-14 minut oziroma dokler niso robovi zlato rjavi.

Dodatno pojasnilo:
Če si pri nadevanju mase na pekač pomagamo s sladoledno zajemalko (sladoledno žlico), bodo piškoti približno enako veliki in debeli, ter nam tako ne bo treba skrbeti, da bodo nekateri manj zapečeni kot drugi.

Prijetno sladkanje!

One of mine baking challenges was making the famous chocolate chip cookies. I've reed a tone of different recipes and finally decided which one to try. And after the first trial I made some adjustments and so this is kind of one of my own recipes. And the results are delicious! I will reveal my recipe to all of you!

About the cookie. A bet a lot of you didn't know that this cookie was accidentally developed in America (in 1930). The one that we could thank for this delicious mistake is Ruth Graves Wakefield. The story goes that one day, while she was making chocolate cookies, she ran out of baker's chocolate and she thought she could substitute it with chunks of regular chocolate. But the chocolate chunks didn't melt and so the chocolate chip cookie was created. And nowadays this is the favorite dessert in American homes.

The typical ingredients for chocolate chip cookie is butter, brown and white sugar, flour and chunks of chocolate. Some even add raisins or nuts. But my recipe is a bit different from the original because I reduce the amount of sugar and I only used brown one. But believe me the cookie is still sweet enough.

Chocolate chip cookie recipe

230g butter(room temperature)
160g brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
300g millet flour (or use regular white flour)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 žteaspoonsalt
300gchocolate chunks

Preheat your oven to 190°C.
With stand or hand mixer mix the butter till creamy smooth, add sugar and mix for another 2 minutes or until fluffy. Gradually add eggs and make sure they are incorporated completely. Add vanilla extract.  
In another bowl mix flour, baking powder and salt. Add it to the egg-butter mixture and mix it altogether. Add chocolate chunks and mix again.
If the batter is to soft you can put it in the freezer for 30 minutes up to 2 hours.
Put some parchment paper on baking sheets and drop some cookie batter on it. Use tablespoon or even better use ice cream scoop. Note that you need to leave enough room between the dough because it spreads during baking.
Bake it on 190°C for 10-14 minutes or until the cookies are golden brown around the edges.

If you'll use ice cream scoop for dropping the batter on the baking sheets, the cookies will be the same size which will help you with baking time. Time of baking varies depending on the size of a cookie, so if your cookies are different sizes you'll find some cookies burned when others may still need a few minutes.

Enjoj them! :)

petek, 3. maj 2013

Marmorni kolač / Marble cake

Naj se še enkrat opravičim za svojo odsotnost! Bila sem polno zasedena. Vendar pa sem vseeno našla čas za peko dobrot.

Vendar pa se je v moji kuhinji zgodil manjši preobrat. Nekatere sestavine so se zamenjale za bolj zdrave ali pa bolj posebne (zaradi mojega trenutnega zdravstvenega stanja).
Torej navadni beli moki sem pomahala v slovo in se na novo zaljubila v pirino moko. Okus ni nič kaj bolj drugačen, pravzaprav mi je mnogo ljudi zatrdilo, da so jim moje slaščice sedaj še okusnejše.

Prva stvar, ki sem jo poskusila narediti je bil marmorni kolač. Recept sem našla na strani, vendar sem sestavine nekoliko zamenjala. Uporabila sem torej pirino (fino mleto) moko, mleko brez laktoze in rjavi sladkor. In moram priznati, da boljšega marmornega kolača še nisem jedla.
Recepta vam ne bom pisala (napisala ga bom le v angleščini), saj si ga lahko ogledate na tej povezavi.
Lahko se držite prvotnega recepta, lahko pa zamenjate nekatere sestavine,kot sem to storila jaz. Če boste uporabljali fino mleto pirino moko vam količin ni potrebno spreminjati. V kolikor pa boste uporabljali kakršnokoli polnozrnato moko, pa je vredno razmisliti o drugačnih vrednostih.

Na sliki je razvidna marmoracija biskvita, ki je glavni čar tega okusnega peciva. Ko naredimo maso, le to ločimo na dva dela in manjši del obarvamo temneje, zgolj s kakavom raztopljenim v nekaj žlicah ruma. Nato pa v pomokan pekač izmenično vlivamo obe masi, ter na koncu še malo premešamo z vilicami, da se ustvari prava marmoracija. Pečemo približno eno uro in vola! Že lahko preizkusimo to sočno pecivo.
Slika tudi prikazuje manjši marmorni kolač, saj sem sestavine razpolovila. V kolikor se boste držali originalnega recepta, boste potrebovali pekač večje velikosti, kot prikazuje slika spodaj (40x22x6 cm).

First, let mi apologize again, for my long absence. I was really busy. But of course I found some time to bake some goodies.

But there was slight change in my kitchen. I change some of the usual ingredients with – let’s say more healthy ones and with some a little bit special (due to my health problems that I’m dealing lately). So for instance I’ve said goodbye to white flour and fall in love with millet flour.
But before you freak out, nothing tastes bad or even that different in that matter. A lot of people even confessed that my pastries taste better. So if you are willing to try I can guarantee you, that you won’t regret it. 

So, the first thing that I try baking was marble cake. There are a lot of different recipes but this one is the best marble cake I ever taste. I found the recipe on the site, and because it is written in Slovene language I will translate it in English. Like a sad before, I slightly changed the ingredients – I used millet flour instead of white flour, and lactose free milk (but you can use regular milk).

On the picture above you can see the marble pattern which is the whole point of this cake, a said of amazing taste. The sponge is very moist and absolutely perfect.
I strongly suggest you that you try and make it, because it is really easy to make (even for the beginners).   

Marble cake recipe

7 eggs (separated)
300 g of granulated white sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 portion of vanilla sugar (10g)
2 dcl milk
380g millet or all-purpose flour
1 portion baking powder (10g)
1,5 dcl oil
3 tablespoons rum
3-6 tablespoons cocoa

This is the recipe for a bigger model (I used only half of the ingredients for my 26 cm cake model that you can see on the picture above). But if you consider making the marble cake with full ingredients you’ll need bigger model, like I used on this picture  (40 cm long, 22 cm width and 6 cm high).

Lightly butter your pan or a cake model, and dust it with some flour.
Set your oven to 160°C (I use regular oven)

Part of your flour (80g) mix with your milk, so it becomes smooth and it doesn’t have any lumps. In a bowl mix together the rest of your flour (that would be 220g) and baking powder.
In a cup, mix together rum and cocoa. You need to get a paste, so adjust the amount of cocoa to your needs.
In another bowl, mix together egg yolks with half of granulated white sugar (that would be 150g) and a portion of vanilla sugar (use stand or hand mixer). It needs to be very well incorporated and mixed together (so you’ll need to mix it up to 5 minutes). Than you gradually add the mix of flour and milk, and in the and gradually add the oil.
In another bowl, put your egg whites, salt and the other half of the granulated white sugar. Mix it all together until you get the meringue that is hard but easily spreadable.
Then, put 1/3 of the meringue in to the bowl with yolks and sugar, just so you loosen up the batter. Don’t mix it with the mixer! You need to mix it by hand (use spatula or wooden spoon). Put the rest of the meringue onto the batter and then sift your flour with baking powder directly onto the meringue. Gently mix it all together with spatula or wooden spoon.

Put 1/3 of a batter into the bowl where we had meringue. Add the cocoa-rum paste andgently mix it with spatula. Now you have two different batters – one white and one brown.

Alternately put both batters into the model. In the end slightly mix it with the fork, so you create marble pattern.

Bake it for about 50-60 minutes or until the toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
After taking it out of the oven let it cool in the model for about 10 min and then transfer it to the racks to cool completely.

After that enjoy it!