nedelja, 10. marec 2013

Dan žena / International women's day

V petek 8. marca smo lahko praznovali Dan žena. Dan, ki ga slavimo v znak ženske politične, socialne in ekonomske neodvisnosti. Čeprav je ta dan izgubil svoj politični namen, pa je to odlična priložnost za vse moške in ženske, da  izkažejo svojo ljubezen in občudovanje vsem pomembnim ženskam v svojem življenju. 
Mnogo ljudi na ta dan kupuje rože, bonbonjere in druge malenkosti s katerimi želijo izkazati svojo naklonjenost. V ta namen pa sem jaz spekla čudovito čokoladno torto brez moke, za svoje sostanovalke.

Torta je nekoliko rustikalnega videza in za mnoge perfekcioniste (kot sem jaz) ne preveč simpatičnega izgleda. Vendar s časoma priraste k srcu. :) Razlog za tak videz je v preprosti sestavi torte, saj ne vsebuje ne moke in mleka - pravzaprav gre zgolj za mešanico jajc, čokolade, masla in sladkorja. Med peko torta zelo naraste, ko pa jo pustimo da se ohladi se le ta na sredini sesede. Torta je zelo krhka vendar zato nič manj slastna. Za še bolj čokoladni oksu sem torto oblila s čokoladnim oblivom (ganache) kar je torti dalo nekoliko svežine. Je precej težka torta, zato sem zraven postregla vanilijev sladoled, ki je nekoliko ublažil res intenziven čokoladni okus.

Za znanje:
V ameriki imajo za torto dva različna izraza; cake, ki je klasična torta narejena iz plasti biskvita in nadeva, ter tart, ki navadno označuje torto Evropskega izvora, ki vsebuje zelo malo oziroma nič moke (včasih moko nadomestijo oreščki). In zgoraj opisana torta je torej tart :)

 On Friday (8. March) was the International women's day. It's day that celebrates women's political, social and economical achievements and independence. Even though it's international women's day, this holiday is not celebrated worldwide. Even though this holiday lost its political meaning it remains celebrated. International women's day become an occasion for men to express their love for the most important women in their lives (wife, girlfriend, mother, grand mother, sister, etc.). But on these occasion men are not the only one that show love. This holiday become kind of friendship celebration between women.
On this day people mostly bring flowers, chocolate or something small for gifts just to show their appreciation and love. This is why I baked this delicious chocolate tart (flour-less and milk-less cake). Tart usually means cake (that originated from Europe) and has little or no flour.
I decided to bake it for my girl roommates, just to show them how important they are in my life.

The tart has this rustical look. If you are more a perfectionist like I am the tart may not look pretty (like usual perfectly round cakes does). But because this cake has no flour and it is actually only made from eggs, chocolate, butter and sugar it's very fragile. During backing this cake rises a lot, but while it cools the center of tart collapse.
For even more chocolate flavor i covered it wit chocolate ganache. And the taste was amazing. I had really strong chocolate flavor, almost like fudge. Beside I served vanilla ice cream, just to ease the intensive chocolate flavor.