nedelja, 28. oktober 2012

New project! :)

I have a new project going on. I can’t reveal it jet but the picture is coming up soon, I promise. :)

It’s for my mother. She asked me if I can do something for her, that she could put it on the cake that she is making. That is all I can let you know, for now. :)

V poteku je že nov projekt. 
Več trenutno ne morem razkriti, vendar obljubljam, da bom kmalu objavila slike.

Izdam lahko le, da je izdelek za mojo mami, ki me je prosila, naj ji naredim nekaj, da bo lahko dala na torto, ki jo bo naredila. To pa je vse za zdaj. :)

sreda, 24. oktober 2012

Nova pridobitev :)

Torej, pred kratkim sem bila v manjši nabavi v trgovini s slaščičarsko opremo. Za nakup pa se moram zahvaliti moji najboljši teti, ki je v košarico dodala nekaj izdelkov in vse skupaj tudi financirala.

Hvala, teta Nadja!

Tukaj pa je še slika (opravičujem se za slabo sliko):

So, a while ago I went  to a store with baking and decorating materials and it was like a walked through heaven. :) I went there with my aunt, whom I have to thank for buying me what I came for and a few things that she decided that I need. :)

So, thank you, aunt Nadja!

Above you can see what I got from the store (the picture is bad i know :) )