sobota, 14. april 2012

Also in english language

Since I see I have a few readers from other countries than Slovenia I decided I’ll begin to write everything in English as well. But you’ll have to forgive me for potential spelling and grammar mistakes – I am not as good in English as I am in baking cakes ;)

Opazila sem, da imam nekaj stalnih obiskovalcev mojega bloga, ki niso iz Slovenije, zato sem se odločila, da začnem objavljati tudi v angleškem jeziku. Vendar pa mi angleščina ne gre tako dobro od rok, kot mi gre od rok peka tort, zato se že v naprej opravičujem za morebitne slovnične napake, ki se bodo morebiti pojavile :)

Day off cake (''stresna'' torta)

Evo, tako pa izgleda torta, ko se malo zabavaš s sestavinami, ki jih imaš v omari :)

So this is how the cake looks like when you start to play with the ingredients that you have in your commode. :)

Če verjamete, jo je že skoraj zmanjkalo. :) 

Believe it or not, the plate is almost empty already! :)

četrtek, 12. april 2012

Day off cake :)

Danes je day off. Po napornem obdobju končno malo počitka. Kaj je boljšega, za pregon stresa, kot peka torte (iz ostankov ananasa in smetane od prejšnjega vikenda).
Stressed - Desserts :)
Sporočim kako izpade moja "stresna" torta :)

Today is finally my day off. After a stressful two months I can finally rest. And what is better to push all the stress away than baking a cake (from some leftovers from last weekend – I still have some pineapple and cream in my refrigerator).
Stressed - Desserts :)
I’ll let you know how my "stressed" cake turns out :)  

Zahvala! / Giving thanks!

Hvala vsem za ogled mojega novega bloga! :) Res ste me prijetno presenetili.
Obljubljam, da vam kmalu postrežem s čim novim :)

I have to thank all of you for visit my new blog! :) I was really surprised by the huge number of visitors!
I promise, I will soon post something new and interesting :)
Keep in touch!

sreda, 11. april 2012

Basket weaved cake končni izdelek

Takole je izpadla torta v stilu basket weave :)
Dobro za prvič :)
This is how the basket weaved stile cake looked like :)
It’s good for the first time

Z dodatkom jagod, izgleda še boljše!

It looks even better with a few strawberries on the top!

Ampak ni bila samo lepa, bila je tudi dobra (jagodno, ananasova torta s smetano)

But the cake was also as tasteful as it was beautiful (strawberry-pineapple cake with whipped cream)

petek, 6. april 2012

Hiša že diši po pečenem biskvitu :)

The house already smells like cake.....mmmm :)

Basket weave

Misija vikenda: speči sadno torto in jo okrasiti po stilu basket weave-a

Mission of this weekend: bake a fruit cake and decorate it in basket weave stile.